
Useful infos Canteen


meals served per day


dedicated staff

Each of Qingpu and Yangpu campuses has a school canteen.

These canteens offer daily meals cooked on site and on the day by school’s catering service provider, Sodexo.

Kindergarten children have lunch in a dedicated area, with the help of childminders and volunteer parents. They benefit from a full menu specially composed for toddlers (PS to GS), as well as a snack served in the morning of every Wednesday and Friday.

Elementary school students have lunch together via a dedicated lunch serving line: “Eat Global”, which offers a healthy and balanced menu. Volunteer parents are present on site to help the children serve themselves (or have a refill) and stay there in case of problems. The “Eat Global” line is reserved for elementary school students (CP to CM2) as well as those in Grade 1 of Deutsche Schule. The main dish (only) of Eat Global is also accessible to other students, if the quantity is sufficient. 

For more information on the composition of a Set Menu HERE

In each campus, five serving lines offer a choice of balanced menus to all middle and high school students every day.

  • From 6th grade, students can choose from several dishes and make up their own tray.
  • From 4th grade, students also have access to all the products at Délimarché (Cafeteria).

Each year, a Franco-German Canteen Committee is set up to assess and improve the service provided. It is convened twice per school year.

Included in the tuition fees, the catering costs amount to 33 RMB per day. The school does not make any profit from the catering service.

Our Qingpu Canteen

Discover Canteen of Qingpu

Discover our Chefs

 Roger Maurer Bio
Chef Yangpu Campus

“Trained in French cuisine and the art of cooking in German-speaking countries, I soon explored my passion for flavorful Mediterranean culinary skills after my parents left Switzerland and settled in Greece. My cooking style is influenced by my love for down-to-earth traditional Central European food and Mediterranean cuisine, with a touch of fusion. I believe that chefs are truly great creators who bring happiness through the preparation of delicious, tasty food.”

Oscar Beltran Bove 
Chef Qingpu Campus

”My culinary skills are a mix of flavor and senses, coming from my family influence, travel and expereince around the world. J’ai été le chef de plueiurs restaurants avant de travailler pour le Lycée frenacais de Shanghai. With my experience abroad and in China, I have acquired a strong experience for my job today. I am also graduated with a Certificate of Dietetics and Nutrition.”

New canteen application

The E-POS system is the “Compass” application (WeChat Mini Program) which is made available since 2021 by the catering service provider Chartwells, to all LFS parents, who can access this application by scanning a QR Code linked to each student and sent to you by the service provider*. This allows you to have a quick and easy access through your WeChat account and discover all functions directly in the dashboard of the application. You can easily access the account information of your child, transactions, menu information, news, as well as presentation of dishes and reviews. You can recharge the account with your own WeChat wallet if needed.

For more information, you can check the user guide of this application on LFS website and in the application.

Our Yangpu Canteen

Discover Canteen of Yangpu


Can the children have a refill?

It is important that all children have enough to eat.

For “Eat Global” only, children have the right to refill at will on fruits, vegetables and raw vegetables. Children can have a refill within reasonable proportions on meat, fish, fried foods, desserts, cheeses, etc., as long as they do not waste.

For the other serving lines, it is possible to ask staff for larger quantities during the service. It is also possible to refill vegetables and starches if the plate is empty after the first service. The extra portion of protein requests an additional cost.

How are the menus composed?

The meals are designed by the canteen chef and then validated by nurses, in order to ensure the nutritional balance and in accordance with the rules enacted by the French Education Ministry.

What can I do if I have a suggestion or complaint? Who should I contact for the canteen account?

Several options for you:

Contact the Support Services of your campus directly ( for Qingpu, for Yangpu)

Contact the members of the Canteen Committee of your campus ( for Qingpu, for Yangpu)

Students can also turn to their class representatives, student representatives of the Canteen Committee, the Vie Scolaire departments and/or volunteer parents (canteen mum and dad), who can then come check with Support Services.

In all cases, the latter will contact Chartwells, the school catering service provider.

There is also an Ipad at the exit of the canteen as well as a “Feedback” section in the EPOS application, through which students, staff and parents can give their comments/suggestions.

Who can help the children at mealtime?

In kindergarten: students are supervised by childminders and volunteer parents during the meal.

At the elementary and secondary level: The students can turn to the supervisors or the support staff as well as the volunteer parents for the youngest.

It is important that children know that they can talk to any adult of staff present on site if they have any concerns.

How are the products selected?

Contractually, our service provider can only offer products selected and validated by its “Hygiene, Health and Environment” department. It should be noted that the Shanghai Health Commission makes surprise inspections to the city’s school canteens several times a year and that so far, LFS has never recorded any infringement. Since the opening, our canteens have always kept the “green smile” label, a sign of excellent sanitary conditions.

What is the EPOS app?

The E-POS system is the “Compass” application (WeChat Mini Program) which is made available since 2021 by the catering service provider Chartwells, to all LFS parents, who can access this application by scanning a QR Code linked to each student and sent to you by the service provider*. This allows you to have a quick and easy access through your WeChat account and discover all functions directly in the dashboard of the application. You can easily access the account information of your child, transactions, menu information, news, as well as presentation of dishes and reviews. You can recharge the account with your own WeChat wallet if needed.

For more information, you can check the user guide of this application on the LFS website and in the application.

*if you have not received it, please contact Support Services of your campus.

How can I access the menus?

Menus are available on the website of Lycée Français de Shanghai ( ) as well as in the EPOS application under the section “Menu”.

Photos of the dishes for each serving line are also accessible in the EPOS application under the section “Today Menu” (the photos are taken and uploaded the same day, before 11:30 am, and kept in the application for 5 days).

How do I know what my child has eaten?

For primary school students, you can see the set menu photos in the EPOS app.

For a secondary school student, you can check transactions in the EPOS app.

How do we address canteen mums/dads?

You can contact the Vie Scolaire Primaire.

Can the children serve themselves the water when they are in the canteen?

In the canteen, there are water bottles that they can use at will and washable plastic glasses at their disposal. For the students at CP level, it is the volunteer parents who serve them drinks at the table directly.

How much is the daily meal plan for children?

The daily meal plan is equal to 29RMB (kindergarten) and 31RMB (primary and secondary school). These fees are included in the tuition fees.

How does the canteen card work?

An allocation for school lunch is loaded on each student’s card at the beginning of each month. This amount is equal to the price of the set menu as indicated on the school website multiplied by the number of school days.

For kindergarten and elementary school students (PS to CM2):
They don’t need a canteen card. The meal cost will automatically be deducted from their account every month.

For secondary school students (6th grade to Terminale level):
Secondary students need their card to access the serving lines in the canteen and at Délimarché (from 4th grade onwards) so that the amount of their meals is directly deducted from their accounts according to the type of meal they choose. If their consumption exceeds the allocated daily amount, it is quite possible to top up the account via the EPOS application or at the cash desks of Délimarché or serving lines.

How can my child eat in the canteen if he/she has forgotten or lost his/her card?

If the card is forgotten:
For middle school students (6th to 3rd grade): they can contact the Vie Scolaire directly to obtain a canteen coupon.

For high School students (2nd to Terminale level): they can pay by cash, WeChat, Alipay or an “e-meal card” (QR code generated by the EPOS application) with their mobile phone.

If the card is lost:
Block the account via EPOS (section “Meal Card”) or via email to Support Services, then contact the Vie Scolaire directly to create a new card.

How can I top up the canteen account for my child in secondary school?

There are two solutions:

Via the EPOS application: in the section “Top Up”.
Via the cash-desks (at Delimarché, serving lines, etc.) by WeChat, Alipay and/or cash.
Please note that the account should not be topped up for a primary student.

Is it possible to have the fapiao for recharge?

Yes, it is possible to have fapiaos. Please contact our service provider Chartwells directly for more details.

How do I know if my child's account needs to be topped up?

For secondary school students, it is possible to set up a notification in EPOS application when the account balance is below a certain amount:

section “Me” = “Message setting” = “Balance messages”

How can I limit my teenager's purchases at Delimarché?

It is possible to set up a daily spending limit for your child (in secondary school) which applies to all serving lines including Délimarché via the EPOS application:

section “Me” = “Limitation amount”: please put down the maximum daily spending amount

If there is an outstanding balance on my child’s account, can I get a refund?

If there remains any credit balance on the card until the last school day of the student, this sum cannot under any circumstances be refund to the student, the family, a company or a third party, even if the student has topped up any amount to his/her card.

If the student will not be withdrawn from school, the balance of his/her account remains available for the following school year.

What if I have several children?

Each student has an account and their individual QR code. The different QR codes can be linked to a same parent account.

Who should you contact when you have a child with a special diet (food intolerances and others)?

You can contact the school nurses or teachers, while referring to the PAI project (individualized reception project) which is sent to you when your child is registered or on the website: content/uploads/2020/08/2020-2021-Document-PAI.pdf

Are the allergenic ingredients indicated on each dish? (Gluten, Lactose)

Yes, allergen information is listed for each dish on all serving lines.

How to order a birthday cake for your child at school?

Please contact the canteen directly by email,
Qingpu Campus:
Yangpu campus:

  • Canteen menu Yangpu and Qingpu – Oct & Nov 2024Download
  • Canteen menu Yangpu and Qingpu – Sep 2024Download
  • Canteen menu Yangpu and Qingpu – June 2024Download
  • Canteen menu Yangpu and Qingpu – May 2024Download
  • Composition of a set menuRead more

Restauration commission

A parents’ committee is set up each year to inform and maintain dialogue between the family and the school, which manages the service.

Members of restauration committees 2023 - 2024


General Services 
Qingpu Campus

Oscar Beltran Bove

Sara Chen
Site Manager
Qingpu Campus

General Services 
Yangpu Campus

Roger Maurer Bio


Connie Shen 
Site Manager
Yangpu Campus

  • 3976 0555 (ext. 160)

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