Parents volunteers

Get involved in the community

Being part of Shanghai French School means a lot for every family. As a parent of a child at our school, you are a member of the parents association and get a lot of privileges: sharing your opinion, getting involved in the school and attending the yearly General Assembly. By voting, you can have influence on budget, future projects, and elect the School Board. Your voice is important.

Parent volunteers ensure the success of many Shanghai French School projects and events. Volunteering is a great way to get to know our community better while helping the school. As a member of the parents’ association, there are plenty of ways to engage in the life of our school !

Be a member of the school Board

The Board of Directors of Shanghai French School is made up of six to eight members, whose mode of selection, mandate and missions are defined in the statutes of the Association du Lycée français de Shanghai, available on our website. They are elected for two years by the parents of the students during the General Assembly, or they are co-opted, in the case of the resignation or the departure of a member of the Board.

They are volunteers and cannot, under any circumstances, receive remuneration for the accomplishment of their mission. They sign an ethical charter which defines the rules organizing the proper functioning of the Board.

They represent the parents of the students of Shanghai French School, who are forming an association. They are responsible for the development strategy and management of the school, for the benefit of all parents. They ensure the legal representation of the school in the person of its President and supervise the management of the school as ensured by the Principal and the Executive Director.

The members of the Board meet monthly in specialized committees (human resources, finance, pedagogy, construction, communication) and in plenary meetings, every month where major decisions related to the management and development of the school are voted.

Statutes of the
Parent’s association

Be a parents’ representative

The Primary school council and the secondary school council are bodies that prepare the school council, that meets 3 times a year.

The school council is the body that regulates the pedagogical and educational affairs of the school. At least 15 parents’ representatives are elected each year, to take part in the decisions of this body.

Be parents’ delegates (middle and high school)

Parents’ delegates relay the questions and concerns of parents regarding a specific class, attend class councils (3 times a year) and help teachers reach parents. Each class can have 2 parents delegates.

Be a member of committees (for transportation, school lunch, class trips)

Members of committees can help improve service to our children, relaying parents’ questions about transportation, food and class trips. Any volunteer parent can attend these committees for one year.

Be a Volunteer Parent: For School Lunch

At LFS, you have the opportunity to play an active role in school life and contribute to the well-being of our children.
You assist in supervising the lunchtime meals and midday recess for primary school students. In collaboration with our Vie Scolaire team, you ensure a pleasant, calm, and well-organized mealtime experience, promoting the children’s well-being and fostering a friendly atmosphere.

Be a Volunteer Parent: For Sports and Cultural Activities (ASC)

Volunteer parents: valuable support for our Sports and Cultural Activities (ASC) offered to students of all ages, from kindergarten to high school.

They mostly take place on Wednesdays and Fridays between 12:30 PM and 3:00 PM for primary school students, lasting one to two hours. Throughout the week after 3:00 PM or 5:00 PM for secondary students, as well as on Saturdays.
As a volunteer parent, you support the teachers in organizing these activities while accompanying the students, for example, during swimming sessions.
You also have the opportunity to share your talents in creative, cultural, or sports fields, offering the children unique and enriching experiences. These contributions provide an excellent chance to pass on your skills while sparking the curiosity and enthusiasm of the students.

Be a member of the activities planning committee (BDA)

The activities planning committee is made up of a team of volunteer parents who wish to commit for one school year or more in the organization and realization of “recreational” projects for all the children of Shanghai French School. Each year, the BDA organizes festive events for the benefit of the entire  community: Parents welcome events, celebrations all along the year, flea markets, tombolas, Halloween activities, Christmas celebrations. 

Be a parents volunteers