
Our education Explore our curriculum

Our curriculum in one glimpse

From Kindergarten to High School


Cycle 1 (TPS, PS, MS and GS)
(from 2 to 5 years)


Cycle 2 & 3 (CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2)
(from 6 to 10 years)

Junior school

Cycle 3 & 4 (6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd)
(from 11 to 14 years)

High school

Determination and terminal cycle
(2nd, 1st, Terminal) - (from 15 to 17 yo)


Cycle 1 (TPS, PS, MS and GS) - (from 2 to 5 years)

Kindergarten: a unique cycle of studies,
essential for the future success of every student

During cycle one, school days and activities are designed to introduce students to basic principles of learning and living harmoniously in society, while also stimulating their sensorial, motor, cognitive, social, and emotional development.


Our Kindergarten is the first fundamental step in ensuring the success of all students. This time of schooling establishes the educational and pedagogical foundations on which the future learning of pupils is based and developed for their entire schooling.

The Shanghai French School offers a caring environment and inspires children to go to school to learn, assert and develop their personality.

At Kindergarten, your child will learn how to speak with adults and other children.

Your child will learn how to draw, sing, dance, play, count, talk, invent and start writing ; she/he will get ready to go to primary school.

Children evolve within their own adapted infrastructures to stimulate their curiosity: classrooms, motor skills room, outdoor spaces, a dedicated canteen with adapted menus; which meet their needs in particular for play, movement, rest and discovery and multiplies the opportunities for sensory, motor, relational and cognitive experiences in security.

5 natural development

Learning at Kindergarten has been organized into five areas which work with the natural development of the child:
The emphasis is on the acquisition of language and its development, the discovery of words and numbers, as well as learning to live together and with others.




Self-expression through physical activities


Self-expression through artistic activities


Starting to develop the
tools to structure thinking


Their environment

1 day in kindergarten: differentiated teaching methods by level

Discover kindergarten
on video

Yangpu & Qingpu learning hours

  • Week continues from Monday to Friday
  • Monday-Tuesday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Lunch time – between 11 am and 12 pm depending on the class.



Cycle 2 & 3 (CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2) - (from 6 to 10 years)

Elementary school: the common
foundation of knowledge, skills and culture

During cycle one, school days and activities are designed to introduce students to basic principles of learning and living harmoniously in society, while also stimulating their sensorial, motor, cognitive, social, and emotional development.

CYCLE 2 & 3

The training provided at elementary school ensures the acquisition of fundamental knowledge tools: oral and written expression, literacy, numeracy and problem solving, and fosters the intellectual development, the artistic sensitivity, manual, physical and sports aptitudes.

It insures the acquisition and the understanding of the respect due to individuals, for their origins and differences. It also transmits the need to respect children’s rights and gender equality. In elementary school, students learn French, English and Chinese (a specificity of Shanghai French School), art, music, physical education, moral and civic education, history-geography, and math.

Each of these subjects is taught so that students learn not only basic facts and information, but the methodology on how best to learn and engage with this new material.

Some skills which hope to be developed and drawn out of these subjects include: critical thinking, personal and emotional expression, following the rules and being responsible, adapting to various environments, and how to work individually or as a team to achieve certain goals.

The LFS teaching team, with its international experience, provides quality courses. The goal is to build a solid foundation in language learning (reading and writing) in French, English and Chinese for all of its students. With an in-depth language program adapted to everyone. And in mathematics: counting, calculation, problem solving.

Above all, the LFS wishes to develop a taste for school and the pleasure of learning. Elementary students have access to exceptional facilities: sports equipment, art and music rooms, Piazza, swimming pool, documentary spaces.

French learning


Math learning

a quality
teaching staff



Cycle 2

(Fundamental learning cycle: Cours Préparatoire -CP/ Cours Elémentaire 1- CE1/ Cours Elémentaire 2- CE2)

During Cycle 2 (fundamental learning cycle), priority is given to the mastery of languages. French language constitutes the central learning item for pupils to acquire strong reading and writing skills. Through language, they learn to make connections between different subjects and disciplines, and to give meaning to their instruction. They are taught how to complete basic learning activities and to justify rationally their answers and approaches. Through regular memorization activities, activities that allow running approaches and basic skills automatically, and comprehension activities, they gradually access to more complex knowledge.

Cycle 3

(Consolidation cycle : Cours Moyen 1- CM1/ Cours Moyen 2- CM2)

During Cycle 3, pupils reinforce and stabilize the base knowledge learned in Cycle 2, particularly language proficiency, which is essential to learning other subjects such as French, mathematics, art and body expression. Students are gradually introduced to academic subjects and their specific knowledge, language, approaches and methods, especially history and geography, science and technology. Their capacity for abstract analysis increases and they begin to produce and structure their thoughts by taking in new knowledge.

Yangpu & Qingpu learning hours

  • Week continues from Monday to Friday
  • Monday-Tuesday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Lunch time – between 11 am and 12 pm depending on the class.


Junior school

Cycle 3 & 4 (6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd) - (from 11 to 14 years)

The Junior School : Mastering the common foundation of knowledge, skills and culture

CYCLE 3 & 4

The “collège” has four different levels: “la 6e, la 5e, la 4e and la 3e”. In “collège”, your child will study with several teachers, each one being a specialist in his/her own subject. In “collège”, your child will improve his/her knowledge in many subjects: French, mathematics, science, technology, history, geography, sport, music, foreign languages.

He/she will use a computer. Your child will have to master the French language in order to study all the other subjects. All teachers will help him/her to learn French. You can also help your child to learn French faster by involving him in sports, cultural and social activities.

Individual tutoring can be organized to help your child in French and other subjects at the rate of two hours per week. Help with homework can also be provided. Finally, a personal achievement plan (PPRE) can be agreed between you, your child and the teaching team.

In “Quatrième’ students undertake the study of a second foreign living language, but in practice at the LFS, they often have the chance to learn a third (German, Spanish, Chinese). In addition, students participate in interdisciplinary projects as part of personalized support.

In their final year in “collège”, pupils wil sit for a national exam: “le diplôme national du brevet” (DNB). They will also have to validate the eight main skills of the common base of knowledge and skills. In “collège”, your child will learn to become more independent in his/her work. At the end of “3e”, “une procédure d’orientation” (a guidance procedure) will enable your child, depending on her/his abilities, her/his ambition and her/his parents’ advice, to go to high school.

The Shanghai French School is center of examination of the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB)

100% success

National Brevet diploma in 2022




Mentions very well


Amazing infrastructures


More than 50 cultural and sporting activities

Learning hours

  • Week continues from Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m at the lastest.
  • Lunch time gives rise to a 1 hour break.


High school

Determination cycle and terminal cycle (2nd, 1st, Terminal) - (from 15 to 17 years)

The High School: The validation of your
skills and the first choices for your future


The organization of the general route in high school is divided into 2 cycles: the determination cycle (2nd), and the terminal cycle (1st and Terminal of the general series L, ES and S) which is validated by obtaining the General Baccalaureate .

This year again 100% of our graduates have obtained the Baccalaureate diploma. We owe these results to personalized support for each student and to the unfailing commitment of the teaching teams to the success of all. Projects have been put in place to develop autonomy and the acquisition of new skills, in particular by incorporating the new measures of the High School Reform.

The second allows students to test their tastes and aptitudes by choosing, in addition to the lessons common to all, lessons of determination. 

At the end of the 1st class, the pupil takes advance tests which will count towards the obtaining of the Baccalaureate.

The year of Terminale prepares the pupil to pass the Baccalaureate and to finalize his personal project for higher education. The LFS offers students solid training that aims to pass the baccalaureate, but also guarantee them access to higher education in optimal conditions, in line with their personal projects.

Our team dedicated to the orientation of our Lycées and future graduates supports students around the world in their projects for the future. Our students continue their studies in the best universities and international schools. Shanghai french School is a Baccalaureate examination center.


sucess rate in 2022


mentions Very good



Learning hours

  • Week continues from Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m at the lastest.
  • Lunch time gives rise to a 1 hour break.

The new baccalaureate


There are no longer be any series in general, but programs chosen by each student according to their tastes and ambitions.

The new Baccalaureate is based on continuous monitoring as well as on the final tests. The French written and oral advance test takes place at the end of the 1ere.

In Terminale, two written tests related to specialty chosen take place in spring and two tests take place in June: the written philosophy and the oral prepared during the years of 1ere and Terminale. Continuous monitoring consists of common tests organized during the Terminale cycle.




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