Month of Languages Episode #2: : Music & Culture

Month of Languages Episode #2: : Music & Culture

For this second episode dedicated to “Month of Languages”, Shanghai French School used music, singing and reading to highlight the linguistic and cultural diversity we are lucky to benefit from at the school.

On Qingpu campus, Secondary students gathered in the piazza on Wednesday morning to sing a song about languages at the LFS on the famous “We Will Rock You” melody by Queen. Lyrics had been prepared and written by teachers beforehand and rehearsed by students.

Three students from Grade 12 in LLCE (Foreign Language, Literature and Civilisation) specialty stood out with a rap song called “Cuffed in ships”, inspired by their study of the topic “Travels, Territories, Frontiers” in which they learnt about Irish emigration in the 19th century. The song talks about the hopes of this young Irish man who has no other choice but to leave his motherland to escape starvation in 1847 and go to the USA.

« Coffin ship » was the name given to these boats full of emigrants, some of which would not survive the difficult conditions during the journey. The song is here brilliantly produced and interpreted by Charles Rayou, Mila Petragallo, and Bryan Larquemin.

Finally, at Yangpu Knowledge and Culture Centre, sessions of “reading in another language” were organised for Middle School students.

See you next week for our third and final episode of “Month of Languages” on the topic: “Words and Friendship”!