We danced and reached 4574 hours in one week!

We danced and reached 4574 hours in one week!

Every year, the AEFE network organises a week dedicated to gathering the students’ community of all the AEFE schools, called the “Semaine des Lycées français du Monde”. This year’s theme was “Learning, engaging, flourishing: sport for everyone”.

Is there any better way to start the day than a short gym or dance session? Our primary students and their teachers clearly figured it all out and set the pace for the entire week!

SLFM 2024

With the Paris 2024 Games coming up, the AEFE launched a sport challenge: to reach 2024 seconds of physical activity in one day. Our PE teams felt inspired and took the challenge to another level: creating the collaborative challenge of reaching 2024 hours of physical activity in one week. Guess what? We succeeded reaching more than double the time with 4574 hours of physical activity, thanks to our entire Eurocampus community. Congratulations, everyone!

The Big Live, a radio broadcast during which groups of students went on air country by country took place on November 30. The objective was to make students’ voices heard around the world. Interview, musical discovery, and more, our students worked hard with the support of our librarians. Want to listen the programme? Click here!