Let’s talk about harassment at school

Let’s talk about harassment at school

On Wednesday, November 16, we organised a meeting with parents on the topic of harassment at school in all its forms. Disturbing topic, but a needed one nonetheless to bring to the table at all ages and levels. How to define harassment, who are the actors, and how to prevent these acts so that they don’t worsen?

The exchange welcomed students’ parents, several students from Primary and Secondary, and was hosted by our Principal, Julien Pisselet, our Head of Primary Qingpu, Jean Kurdziel, our school psychologist, Antoine Mousty, our nurse, Corinne Ouzeau, our Deans of Students, Eric Lanzi and Anne Penda, our teachers Lionel Bellas and Davy Argueyrolles, and finally, a few students who came to testify from their own experience.

Harassment often starts at the end of Primary School and in the first years of Middle School. The analysis of the school climate in Primary and Secondary is crucial to understand these phenomena. Knowing your own place within a group is complex and the work around prevention must be done early on.

In Primary, we invite children to think and come up with potential solutions by themselves, teachers and educative teams get to their level of understanding, while giving them the power to act.

In Secondary, the working groups of the Students’ Association in Middle School and High School (CVC and CVL), supported by the educative teams offer various actions to raise awareness and listening opportunities, through the mediation by pairs, or by highlighting the role of ambassador students.

Thanks to many relevant questions asked by parents throughout the exchange, educative team, including teachers, health teams and school life teams, wish to work more towards supporting and accompanying students and families when there is a situation of harassment identified.