Give an ear to the LFS webradio club

Give an ear to the LFS webradio club

The LFS webradio club is having a comeback! In Qingpu, our Primary students have become young radio reporters and explore various social topics on a weekly basis as well as introduce us to school life. As a comprehensive media tool, the webradio combines a work on the different modes of expression that are orality and writing with creation, production and online broadcasting techniques.

The program for this first radio program of the year:

At the supervision, in the role of presenter, Paul; accompanied by our special envoys Augustine, Agnès and Jeanne who investigated the Amazon forest.

Our two young journalists Emma and Salomé orchestrated the interview of the month “How do you celebrate Halloween in Anglo-Saxon countries? They had the chance to receive special guests: Danio, Samantha and Kevin, English teachers at LFS.

Manon and Lina’s micro-school “How YOU celebrated Halloween this year? » Gave the floor to two very special guests: Thibault, from the Vie Scolaire and Hélène, CM2 teacher.

Finally, we let you discover “What happens to our health declarations at school?” » Sacha, our reporter investigated the field for our greatest pleasure.

Find us next week, with a new podcast of our apprentice journalists!