Relive the graduation ceremony!

Relive the graduation ceremony!

With school being over, it gives us the opportunity to mention once more our newly graduates of the “Shanguerriers” promotion, and go back to the ceremony organised on Friday, June 30 in their honour. Prepare for an emotional ride!

Some have been knowing each other since kindergarten, others jumped in along the way, but all have created a strong bond with each other, which will carry on in the years to come…

The ceremony opened with the speech of M. David Kibler, Deputy Consul General, whom we warmly thank for his presence.

Our graduates were awarded their medal by Emmanuelle Blanc Tores and Christine Guitton, Deputy Heads, as well as the classroom teachers of our two Grade 12 classes, Jean-Claude Auger and Tania Sanchez.

Congratulations once more for their excellent results! We wish them the very best in their next chapter!