Annual General Meeting on April 15: make your voice count!

Annual General Meeting on April 15: make your voice count!

The Board of Directors of the LFS Parents’ Association invites all the families of our school to participate in the Annual General Meeting.

  • Save the date!

Date: Saturday, April 15
Address: Lycée Français de Shanghai, Qingpu Campus, 350 Gaoguang Road
Reception and registration: 8:30-9:00 a.m.
Meeting start: 9:15 a.m.

  • Why an Annual General Meeting?

As one of the association’s members, you are invited to vote for the 2023 school budget, as well as to choose the parents who will represent you at the Board of Directors. It is an important moment to participate in the decisions preparing the future of the school!

  • Oh, I am not available on Saturday!

Don’t you worry! Give your voice to the person of your choice through proxy. All our families have received an email with the documents and the link to upload their proxy digitally. This year, only the proxies sent electronically before Friday, April 14 at noon will be taken into account.

  • I don’t speak French

We got you covered! Our presentation will be written in English and a simultaneous translation in English will be provided throughout the event.

  • It’s a bit long, an Annual General Meeting, no?

The members of the Board of Directors have already met with our families several times this year to answer their questions. This will allow to guarantee a reasonable duration for this Annual General Meeting.

Do not miss this opportunity to participate in the life of your school for the benefit of your children. We look forward to welcoming you!