Series of Conferences 2022-2023

Series of Conferences 2022-2023

For the last 13 years, our History-Geography and Chinese teachers Arnaud Becuwe and Alain Piélin, organise a series of conferences on various topics for students, staff members, and since this school year, for interested parents.

The first series entitled “Cinema, museums and Franco-Chinese artistic encounters” includes three conferences, each of them oriented toward a singular artistic perspective: directing a movie in China and the knowledge of Chinese contemporary directors, fine arts and the Parisian influence in China, and the contemporary artistic and cultural scene in Shanghai.

For the second series entitled “Archeology, history and philosophy in China”, five conferences have been or will be offered. History of Chinese mathematics, analysis of the movie “The 55 days in Beijing” to understand the relationships between China and the Western world, understanding of knowledge and practices in France and China, presentation of the Song dynasty, or even the history of a French artilleryman in China in the beginning of the XXth century, there sure is a bit of everything to poke the curiosity of many of you!

Benefiting from the participation of speakers who are experts in their field, these events of one and a half hour each offer the audience the possibility to learn more about Ancient and Modern China through arts, history, philosophy, or archeology.

Do not miss the next conference on Thursday, February 2 at 5:00 p.m., hosted by M. Jiang Jiawei and entitled: “Travels in France and China: an adventure of knowledge and practices”.