Supporting NGOs for children!

Supporting NGOs for children!

Following the renovations and rearrangements of our premises this summer, our operational teams organised the delivery of unused school furniture to different regional NGOs for children.

Beds, desks, tables, chairs, cabinets, and boards were on the list of furniture sent to 3 local NGOs, partnered with the Grow in Treasure Home program. Co-founded in 2009 by Shanghai United Foundation (SUF), the first independent public grantmaking foundation in Shanghai, and Beijing Evergreen Sustainability Research Centre, they help migrants’ children coming from rural areas to adapt to urban life, to explore their talents and to offer them a safe space to socialize and develop healthily.

Between 2015 and 2020, the program helped more than 100 000 migrants’ children through 63 community projects in 21 cities in China. By supporting Grow in Treasure Home, we wish to contribute to local initiatives which help children and their fulfillment.